824 to 896MHz Lora antenna EU868 (ft-rf.com.tw)

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum use is provided by the FT-RF fiberglass Omnidirectional outdoor antenna, which operates in the 824 to 896MHz frequency band with various strength levels.

  • The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation.
  • For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential.
  • Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector.

Fiberglass IoT Antennas for ISM 868MHz is used to make LoRa 868mhz antennas. It's an omnidirectional outdoor antenna with different strength levels ranging from 2 to 12 dBi. They are long-lasting and simple to install (on a wall or pole).
The OA-868M series, often known as EU868 (for the European market), is a license-free ISM band with a core frequency of 868MHz. The omnidirectional antenna employs an advanced collinear dipole design, which means it radiates uniformly in the azimuth with a high gain across long distances, reducing the number of cells or nodes required in a network.
EU868 can work in a variety of environments for up to 12 years thanks to its UV-resistant construction.
The connector can be customized based on a minimum order quantity. There are a variety of frequencies and gains can choose.

We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including LoRa antenna EU868, US915 or AS923 MHz LoRa Antenna ( for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support.

This range of products are including: 

- 868MHz series (LoRa EU868)

- 828MHz series (824MHz-896MHz frequency range)

- 821MHz series (multi-frequency range 824-960MHz and 1710-2170MHz)




Waveguide standard gain horns, also known as Waveguide input, are pyramidal-shaped broadband passive devices. Standard gain horns are also used to calibrate other antennas and evaluate their gain. Aluminum is used as the waveguide material in the typical gain horn.
Depending on the type and style, our broadband waveguide horns can operate at frequencies ranging from 350 MHz to 70 GHz. RoHS compliance is found in many of our RF and microwave gain horns.第59屆金馬獎頒獎典禮頒獎嘉賓請來許多大咖演員,不但有去年奪得影后的賈靜雯,還有資深女演員張艾嘉和曾封后的桂綸鎂,張艾嘉已10度問鼎影后寶座,過去曾兩度拿下影后榮譽,此次是否能順利摘下第3座金馬后冠備受矚目。除了華人演員們,金馬獎邀請日本名導是枝裕和和日本奧斯卡影后黑木瞳登台獻獎,也是一大亮點。

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