824 to 896MHz Lora antenna EU868 (ft-rf.com.tw)

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum use is provided by the FT-RF fiberglass Omnidirectional outdoor antenna, which operates in the 824 to 896MHz frequency band with various strength levels.

  • The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation.
  • For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential.
  • Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector.

Fiberglass IoT Antennas for ISM 868MHz is used to make LoRa 868mhz antennas. It's an omnidirectional outdoor antenna with different strength levels ranging from 2 to 12 dBi. They are long-lasting and simple to install (on a wall or pole).
The OA-868M series, often known as EU868 (for the European market), is a license-free ISM band with a core frequency of 868MHz. The omnidirectional antenna employs an advanced collinear dipole design, which means it radiates uniformly in the azimuth with a high gain across long distances, reducing the number of cells or nodes required in a network.
EU868 can work in a variety of environments for up to 12 years thanks to its UV-resistant construction.
The connector can be customized based on a minimum order quantity. There are a variety of frequencies and gains can choose.

We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including LoRa antenna EU868, US915 or AS923 MHz LoRa Antenna ( for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support.

This range of products are including: 

- 868MHz series (LoRa EU868)

- 828MHz series (824MHz-896MHz frequency range)

- 821MHz series (multi-frequency range 824-960MHz and 1710-2170MHz)



NBA巨星「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard)重磅加盟T1桃園雲豹,為台灣籃壇投下震撼彈,他15日早上先到館長健身房進行肌力訓練,傍晚進到自家主場國立體育大學體育館練球,備戰週六19日主場開幕戰。雲豹稍早又在IG分享另段魔獸扣籃的影片,驚人的灌籃爆發力,讓本土球員蔡揚名表情「像被大卡車輾過!」



Waveguide standard gain horns, also known as Waveguide input, are pyramidal-shaped broadband passive devices. Standard gain horns are also used to calibrate other antennas and evaluate their gain. Aluminum is used as the waveguide material in the typical gain horn.
Depending on the type and style, our broadband waveguide horns can operate at frequencies ranging from 350 MHz to 70 GHz. RoHS compliance is found in many of our RF and microwave gain horns.

貼文一出,立刻引發許多網友熱議「地板看起來真的不錯欸」、「nba感」、「魔獸灌籃真香」、「終於剩沒幾天就上場了」、「練完全隊帶去逛夜市了吧」、「禮拜六快點來」、「今天吃播不知道還會不會開台」、「Troy跟魔獸輪流自幹」、「小蟲控 小蟲自幹 小蟲傳給魔獸 雲豹的比賽不是長這樣嗎?少三個沒差啦」、「他隊友嚇爛的感覺」、「輕鬆打」、「魔獸身上那件感覺不錯」、「魔獸的隊服很帥欸」、「趕快配合練習空中接力吧,應該很常用到」、「魔獸我大哥」。

邀NBA魔獸加盟掀話題 雲豹能源申請台灣創新板上市
魔獸首度桃園開打!快攻「飛身爆扣」 防守球員嚇壞變小粉絲
剉咧等?再4天就要對決魔獸 「大房東」曾文鼎首度說話了
魔獸爆被中國CBA挖角!他曝「驚人報價」 球隊砸錢關鍵內幕

魔獸來台「未戴口罩免罰」?挨轟外國大咖雙標 他拋1點解套
同為12號!想揪團看球 陳時中:我要蹭一下魔獸的熱度
跟隨魔獸?被爆來台加盟T1 矮湯露面這樣說
把愛犬都留在美國!霍華除要奪冠 還要「成為更好的人」
魔獸合體館長「最萌身高差」 網笑:第一次覺得阿館嬌小


Waveguide standard gain horns, also known as Waveguide input, are pyramidal-shaped broadband passive devices. Standard gain horns are also used to calibrate other antennas and evaluate their gain. Aluminum is used as the waveguide material in the typical gain horn.
Depending on the type and style, our broadband waveguide horns can operate at frequencies ranging from 350 MHz to 70 GHz. RoHS compliance is found in many of our RF and microwave gain horns.